Equipping The Persecuted logo

Serve God.
Save Lives.
Inspire Faith.

From bringing essentials to those who have lost everything, to empowering villages with stronger security, to delivering truth that prevents attacks, we are making a difference in Nigeria. Our mission is clear: to save lives and restore hope! With your monthly support, you help create lasting change and sustainable hope for the communities we serve. Together, we can transform lives!

Monthly donation

Help Protect an Orphan

Monthly donation

Helps Care for a Widow

Monthly donation

Help Protect a Family

Monthly donation

Help Sustain a School

Monthly donation

Help Defend a Village


Consistent support is crucial to the impact of our mission. Recurring revenue allows us to plan more effectively, respond swiftly, and create sustainable, long-term change.

❤️ Make an impact today!

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Equipping the Persecuted is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

The fruit of our mission speaks for itself!

Here's a little glimpse of what we accomplished in 2024:

 - Provided 20 critical Internal Refugee interventions, delivering medical aid, food, and essential support to persecuted Christian camps.
 - Supported Over 200 widows monthly.
 - Expanded our Cornerstone Pastor's Conference, enriching over 1,500 pastors and adding 500 to our network.
 - Amplified our Internal Refugee camp school's capacity, now educating over 500 students.
 - Drilled 8 life-giving water wells.
 - Welcomed 10 more (30 Total) children into our loving orphanage.
 - Grew TruthNigeria.com; a crucial journalistic initiative that's saved countless lives with timely reports and alerts. We currently have over 20,000 followers. Trained village security teams, ensuring safety for communities. Issued 47 terror alerts that saved thousands of lives.
 - Completed construction of our second Internal Refugee School serving 200 additional children.
Launched Paradise College of Health and Science with 100 students and built a new medical clinic.

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